Monday, May 17, 2010

Super Powers(The US)

The United States goal was containment or basically for them to stop the spread of communism during the cold war. The US also wanted to kind of spread their own influence of democracy and the didnt agree with communism. The United States basic symbols as usual in case anybody doesnt know are the flag with the stars and strips(picture to the left).

Friday, May 7, 2010

modern-day analysis

we see the cold war today not as much as back then but still a bit. We see it by how the United States and Russia are still separated by the tensions that still happened back then during the cold war. Plus with the fact of all the nuclear weapons that we had each made during the war. Today though just as usual technology increases and thus making more better advancement in machinery, industry and more dangerous weapons.

The fact that the US and Russia had made so many nuclear weapons basically scared people across the world and especially in the US in the cold war. even today people were scared of what might happen to us and some even fear the end of the world or nuclear war. the US and Russia hold most of the nuclear bombs in the entire world which probably would make everyone more tensed up. It probley makes all other countries feel inferior to the US and Russia.
Now today though I believe that the tension has lightend. Now that the US and Russia have signed a treaty to cut down there nuclear bombs that are created and even get rid of some of the weapons. So now everthing about the nuclear weapons is lowering but still the tensions of the cold war build up, because of the fact of the pasts effect on the future.

Friday, April 23, 2010

cold war tensions (korea)

Korea is a cold war tension because it was split in half by communists and nationalists. The communist leader was Mao Zedong and the nationalist leader was Chaing Kai-Shek. It was separated by the US, the nationalists were in the south and communists were in the north. The US did this because of our foreign policy of containment. The US split the country with a line called the 38th parallel. later on though the north had invaded the south and started the korean war. The US suported the south so they could hopefully stop the spread of communism.

Friday, April 16, 2010

cold war tension (U-2 INCIDENT)

the US was flying planes over the USSR investingating there weapons over there using U-2 planes. before that though the US tried to ask the USSR if they would agree to "open skies". the USSR said no though but we still flew over it anyway. the U-2 was the type of plane that we picked to do the spying with. But one day they had found out about one of our planes and threatened that if they did it again they would shoot it down. we still did it anyway and on the day of May 1, 1960 they did shoot it down thus killing one of our people named Francis Gary Powers.

cold war tensions (H-bomb)

The H-bomb was made from hydrogen isotopes which is basically what the H means. The H-bomb was made during the arms race against the soviet union to see who could make the most powerful weapon the fastest. the H-bomb uses nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes as its energy. it is more powerful than the A-bomb. it was made by the same person who had invented the A-bomb(Robert Openheimer). it was first tested on November 1, 1952. the soviet union had launched there first one on August 1953.

cold war tensions (McCarthyism)

McCarthyism was created by a man named McCarthy. He would basically just accuse people who he would assume believed in communism even though there wouldn't be any evidence. He was against it of course but he just kept scaring citizens of the US about. he would say things such as that the government would be doing nothing to help with it. people being blamed for the sympathizing communism were being questioned and were being investigated by the government. the main people being targeted by the people who believed in McCarthyism were employees who worked for the government.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cold War Tension (SPUTNIK)

Sputnik was a satellite that was made by the USSR and was launched October 4, 1957. It was made so that the USSR could be better than the US and it worked because it made us feel inferior to the USSR most likely because it was the first one launched that was man-made. After they made they had started the space race. So we decided to try and make our own satellite to try and beat them but a lot of our attempt had failed. On the date of January 31, 1958 we finally got to launch our own first satellite into space.